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Library: Strong XTEA Encryption LSL <-> LSL <-> PHP

SleightOf Hand
Registered User
Join date: 4 Apr 2006
Posts: 21
05-22-2007 14:02
Strong XTEA Encryption LSL <-> LSL <-> PHP

This is an XTEA implementation that has both LSL and PHP scripts to allow strong encryption not only inside LSL but also between LSL and a PHP serverscript.

For those who want to see this in action with your Web server try these. Be sure that if you edit these that Rounds and Key Phrase are the same in both LSL and PHP versions.

LSL - PLACE IN PRIM -- Edit to change URL and tosend text.


//* Masa's XTEA encryption/decryption v3 *//
//* Modified by SleightOf Hand for Stability and *//
//* intercommunication with PHP version *//
// NOTE: This version only encodes 60 bits per 64-bit block!
// This code is public domain.
// Sleight was here 20070522
// masa was here 20070315
// so was strife 20070315
// This was Modified by SleightOf Hand to allow
// Strong encryption between LSL and PHP.
integer XTEA_DELTA = 0x9E3779B9; // (sqrt(5) - 1) * 2^31
integer xtea_num_rounds = 6;
list xtea_key = [0, 0, 0, 0];
integer hex2int(string hex) {
if(llGetSubString(hex,0,1) == "0x")
return (integer)hex;
if(llGetSubString(hex,0,0) == "x")
return (integer)("0"+hex);

// Convers any string to a 32 char MD5 string and then to a list of
// 4 * 32 bit integers = 128 bit Key. MD5 ensures always a specific
// 128 bit key is generated for any string passed.
list xtea_key_from_string( string str )
str = llMD5String(str,0); // Use Nonce = 0
return [ hex2int(llGetSubString( str, 0, 7)),
hex2int(llGetSubString( str, 8, 15)),
hex2int(llGetSubString( str, 16, 23)),
hex2int(llGetSubString( str, 24, 31))];
// Encipher two integers and return the result as a 12-byte string
// containing two base64-encoded integers.
string xtea_encipher( integer v0, integer v1 )
integer num_rounds = xtea_num_rounds;
integer sum = 0;
do {
// LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
// have to mask out sign-extension bits.
v0 += (((v1 << 4) ^ ((v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v1) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, sum & 3));
sum += XTEA_DELTA;
v1 += (((v0 << 4) ^ ((v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v0) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, (sum >> 11) & 3));
} while( num_rounds = ~-num_rounds );
//return only first 6 chars to remove "=="'s and compact encrypted text.
return llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v0),0,5) +
// Decipher two base64-encoded integers and return the FIRST 30 BITS of
// each as one 10-byte base64-encoded string.
string xtea_decipher( integer v0, integer v1 )
integer num_rounds = xtea_num_rounds;
integer sum = XTEA_DELTA*xtea_num_rounds;
do {
// LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
// have to mask out sign-extension bits.
v1 -= (((v0 << 4) ^ ((v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v0) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, (sum>>11) & 3));
sum -= XTEA_DELTA;
v0 -= (((v1 << 4) ^ ((v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v1) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, sum & 3));
} while ( num_rounds = ~-num_rounds );
return llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v0), 0, 4) +
llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v1), 0, 4);
// Encrypt a full string using XTEA.
string xtea_encrypt_string( string str )
// encode string
str = llStringToBase64(str);
// remove trailing =s so we can do our own 0 padding
integer i = llSubStringIndex( str, "=" );
if ( i != -1 )
str = llDeleteSubString( str, i, -1 );
// we don't want to process padding, so get length before adding it
integer len = llStringLength(str);
// zero pad
str += "AAAAAAAAAA=";
string result;
i = 0;
do {
// encipher 30 (5*6) bits at a time.
result += xtea_encipher(
llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str, i, i += 4) + "A="),
llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str, ++i, i += 4) + "A=")
} while ( ++i < len );
return result;
// Decrypt a full string using XTEA
string xtea_decrypt_string( string str ) {
integer len = llStringLength(str);
integer i;
string result;
do {
result += xtea_decipher(
llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str, i, i += 5) + "=="),
llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str, ++i, i += 5) + "==")
} while ( ++i < len );
// Replace multiple trailing zeroes with a single one
i = llStringLength(result);
while ( llGetSubString(result, --i, i) == "A" );
result = llGetSubString(result, 0, i);
i = llStringLength(result);
integer mod = i%4; //Depending on encoded length diffrent appends are needed
if(mod == 1) return llBase64ToString(result + "A==");
else if(mod == 2 ){
if((llSubStringIndex(base64,llGetSubString(result, -1,-1))) & 0x0F) return llBase64ToString(result + "A=");
else return llBase64ToString(result + "==");
else if(mod == 3){
if((llSubStringIndex(base64,llGetSubString(result, -1,-1))) & 0x03) return llBase64ToString(result + "A");
return llBase64ToString(result + "=");
return llBase64ToString( result );
key requestid; // just to check if we're getting the result we've asked for; all scripts in the same object get the same replies
string base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz0123456789+/";
string url = "http://<enter your URL here>/test-script.php";

touch_start(integer number)
string tosend = "this is a message to send";
llWhisper(0, "Message to Send = " + tosend);
xtea_key = xtea_key_from_string("this is a test key");
string message = xtea_encrypt_string(tosend);
llWhisper(0, "Message to Server = " + message);
requestid = llHTTPRequest(url,
HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
"parameter1=" + llEscapeURL(message));
http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
if (request_id == requestid)
llWhisper(0, "Web server sent: " + body);
integer clean = 0;
string cleanbody = "";
while(~llSubStringIndex(base64,llGetSubString(body ,clean,clean))){
cleanbody += llGetSubString(body,clean,clean++);
llWhisper(0, "Cleaned : " + cleanbody);
llWhisper(0, "Web server said: " + xtea_decrypt_string( cleanbody ));

PHP Code - Place on web server at location that LSL URL will be looking for.


//* Sleight's PHP XTEA encryption/decryption v3 *//
//* Modified by SleightOf Hand for Stability and *//
//* intercommunication between PHP & LSL *//
// NOTE: This version only encodes 60 bits per 64-bit block!
// This code is public domain.
// Sleight was here 20070522
// masa was here 20070315
// so was strife 20070315
// This was converted from the LSL version by
// SleightOf Hand to allow Strong encryption
// between LSL and PHP. If you find this usefull
// any donations apreciated.
$_XTEA_DELTA = 0x9E3779B9; // (sqrt(5) - 1) * 2^31
$_xtea_num_rounds = 6;
$_xtea_key = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Returns Integer based on 8 byte Base64 Code XXXXXX== (llBase64ToInteger)
function base64_integer($str){
global $_base64;
if(strlen($str) != 8) return 0;
return ((strpos($_base64,$str{0}) << 26)|
(strpos($_base64,$str{1}) << 20)|
(strpos($_base64,$str{2}) << 14)|
(strpos($_base64,$str{3}) << 8) |
(strpos($_base64,$str{4}) << 2) |
(strpos($_base64,$str{5}) >> 4));
// Returns 8 Byte Base64 code based on 32 bit integer ((llIntegerToBase64)
function integer_base64($int){
global $_base64;
if($int != (integer) $int) return 0;
return $_base64{($int >> 26 & 0x3F)} .
$_base64{($int >> 20 & 0x3F)} .
$_base64{($int >> 14 & 0x3F)} .
$_base64{($int >> 8 & 0x3F)} .
$_base64{($int >> 2 & 0x3F)} .
$_base64{($int << 4 & 0x3F)} . "==";

//strict 32 bit addition using logic
function binadd($val1 , $val2){
$ta = $val1 ^ $val2;
while($tc = (($val1 & $val2) << 1) & 0x0FFFFFFFF){
$ta = ($val1 = $tc) ^ ($val2 = $ta);
return $ta; // $ta will now be the result so return it

// Convers any string to a 32 char MD5 string and then to a list of
// 4 * 32 bit integers = 128 bit Key.
function xtea_key_from_string( $str ) {
global $_xtea_key;
$str = md5($str . ":0"); // Use nonce = 0 in LSL for same output
eval("\$_xtea_key[0] = 0x" . substr($str,0,8) . ";");
eval("\$_xtea_key[1] = 0x" . substr($str,8,8) . ";");
eval("\$_xtea_key[2] = 0x" . substr($str,16,8) . ";");
eval("\$_xtea_key[3] = 0x" . substr($str,24,8) . ";");

// Encipher two integers and return the result as a 12-byte string
// containing two base64-encoded integers.
function xtea_encipher( $v0 , $v1 ) {
global $_xtea_num_rounds , $_xtea_key , $_XTEA_DELTA;
$num_rounds = $_xtea_num_rounds;
$sum = 0;
do {

// LSL only has 32 bit integers. However PHP automaticly changes
// 32 bit integers to 64 bit floats as nessesary. This causes
// incompatibilities between the LSL Encryption and the PHP
// counterpart. I got round this by changing all addition to
// binary addition using logical & and ^ and loops to handle bit
// carries. This forces the 32 bit integer to remain 32 bits as
// I mask out any carry over 32 bits. this bring the output of the
// encrypt routine to conform with the output of its LSL counterpart.
// LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
// have to mask out sign-extension bits.
// calculate ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1)
$v0a = binadd((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) , $v1);
// calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3])
$v0b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]);
// Calculate ($v0 + ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1)
// ^ ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]))
$v0 = binadd($v0 , ($v0a ^ $v0b));
//Calculate ($sum + $_XTEA_DELTA)
$sum = binadd($sum , $_XTEA_DELTA);
//Calculate ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0)
$v1a = binadd((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) , $v0);
// Calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[($sum >>11) & 3])
$v1b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[($sum >>11) & 3]);
//Calculate ($v1 + ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0
// ^ ($sum & $_xtea_key[($sum >>11) & 3]))
$v1 = binadd($v1 , ($v1a ^ $v1b));
} while( $num_rounds = ~-$num_rounds );
//return only first 6 chars to remove "=="'s and compact encrypted text.
return substr(integer_base64($v0),0,6) . substr(integer_base64($v1),0,6);
// Decipher two base64-encoded integers and return the FIRST 30 BITS of
// each as one 10-byte base64-encoded string.
function xtea_decipher( $v0, $v1 ) {
global $_xtea_num_rounds , $_xtea_key , $_XTEA_DELTA;
$num_rounds = $_xtea_num_rounds;
$sum = 0; // $_XTEA_DELTA * $_xtea_num_rounds;
$tda = $_XTEA_DELTA;
do{ // Binary multiplication using binary manipulation
if($num_rounds & 1){
$sum = binadd($sum , $tda);
$num_rounds = $num_rounds >> 1;
$tda = ($tda << 1) & 0x0FFFFFFFF;
$num_rounds = $_xtea_num_rounds; // reset $num_rounds back to its propper setting;
do {
// LSL only has 32 bit integers. However PHP automaticly changes
// 32 bit integers to 64 bit floats as nessesary. This causes
// incompatibilities between the LSL Encryption and the PHP
// counterpart. I got round this by changing all addition to
// binary addition using logical & and ^ and loops to handle bit
// carries. This forces the 32 bit integer to remain 32 bits as
// I mask out any carry over 32 bits. this bring the output of the
// decrypt routine to conform with the output of its LSL counterpart.
// Subtrations are handled by using 2's compliment
// LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
// have to mask out sign-extension bits.
// calculate ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0)
$v1a = binadd((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) , $v0);
// calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[($sum>>11) & 3])
$v1b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[($sum>>11) & 3]);
//Calculate 2's compliment of ($v1a ^ $v1b) for subtraction
$v1c = binadd((~($v1a ^ $v1b)) , 1);
//Calculate ($v1 - ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0)
// ^ ($sum + $_xtea_key[($sum>>11) & 3]))
$v1 = binadd($v1 , $v1c);
// Calculate new $sum based on $num_rounds - 1
$tnr = $num_rounds - 1; // Temp $num_rounds
$sum = 0; // $_XTEA_DELTA * ($num_rounds - 1);
$tda = $_XTEA_DELTA;
do{ // Binary multiplication using binary manipulation
if($tnr & 1){
$sum = binadd($sum , $tda);
$tnr = $tnr >> 1;
$tda = ($tda << 1) & 0x0FFFFFFFF;
//Calculate ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1)
$v0a = binadd((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) , $v1);
//Calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3])
$v0b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]);
//Calculate 2's compliment of ($v0a ^ $v0b) for subtraction
$v0c = binadd((~($v0a ^ $v0b)) , 1);
//Calculate ($v0 - ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1
// ^ ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]))
$v0 = binadd($v0 , $v0c);
} while ( $num_rounds = ~-$num_rounds );
return substr(integer_base64($v0), 0, 5) . substr(integer_base64($v1), 0, 5);
// Encrypt a full string using XTEA.
function xtea_encrypt_string( $str ) {
// encode Binany string to Base64
$str = base64_encode($str);
// remove trailing =s so we can do our own 0 padding
$i = strpos($str, '=', 0);
if ( $i !== FALSE ){
$str = substr( $str, 0, $i);
// we don't want to process padding, so get length before adding it
$len = strlen($str);
// zero pad
$str .= "AAAAAAAAAA=";
$result = "";
$i = 0;
do {
// encipher 30 (5*6) bits at a time.
$enc1 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 5) . "A==");
$i += 5;
$enc2 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 5) . "A==");
$i += 5;
$result .= xtea_encipher($enc1, $enc2);
} while ( $i < $len );
return $result; //Return Encrypted string
// Decrypt a full string using XTEA
function xtea_decrypt_string( $str ) {
global $_base64 ;
$len = strlen($str);
do {
$dec1 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 6)."==");
$i += 6;
$dec2 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 6)."==");
$i += 6;
$result .= xtea_decipher( $dec1, $dec2);
} while ( $i < $len );
// Replace multiple trailing zeroes with a single one
$i = strlen($result);
while ( substr($result, --$i, 1) == "A" );
$result = substr($result, 0, $i+1);
$i = strlen($result);
$mod = $i%4; //Depending on encoded length diffrent appends are needed
if($mod == 1) return base64_decode($result . "A==");
else if($mod == 2 ){
if((strpos($_base64,substr($result, -1,1))) & 0x0F) return base64_decode($result . "A=");
else return base64_decode($result . "==");
else if($mod == 3){
if((strpos($_base64,substr($result, -1,1))) & 0x03) return base64_decode($result . "A");
else return base64_decode($result . "=");
return base64_decode( $result );

// Only works with PHP compiled as an Apache module
$headers = apache_request_headers();
$objectName = $headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Name"];
$objectKey = $headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Key"];
$ownerKey = $headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Key"];
$ownerName = $headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Name"];
$region = $headers["X-SecondLife-Region"];
// and so on for getting all the other variables ...
xtea_key_from_string("this is a test key");
// get things from $_POST[]
// Naturally enough, if this is empty, you won't get anything
$parameter1 = xtea_decrypt_string($_POST["parameter1"]);
echo xtea_encrypt_string($ownerName . " just said " . $parameter1) . "\n";

This should result in the following output as this is what was output by my object.


Object whispers: Message to Send = this is a message to send
Object whispers: Message to Server = JSdgCA0FDyhgLlUnSgqMQWkAxz1AzA1vr9zwSEDnCgwJ6GNQ
Object whispers: Web server sent: SVbqNQ5XdkngeUI3bgP+s6eAT6GM4AWnYCYApcfxagrPbxmwiY 7WXA4J+gEQ1AYhRQNvcnEwfZSo/AuKVtIw

Object whispers: Cleaned : SVbqNQ5XdkngeUI3bgP+s6eAT6GM4AWnYCYApcfxagrPbxmwiY 7WXA4J+gEQ1AYhRQNvcnEwfZSo/AuKVtIw
Object whispers: Web server said: SleightOf Hand just said this is a message to send
Nada Epoch
The Librarian
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Posts: 1,423
Discussion Thread
05-23-2007 22:22
i've got nothing. ;)
SleightOf Hand
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Join date: 4 Apr 2006
Posts: 21
Fix for HTTP/PHP transfers of encrypted data
05-23-2007 23:47
Just a quick bug fix.

Since HTTP/PHP converts "+" into a " " when transfering parameters like....

"this+is+a+test" would become "this is a test" then the encoded string has to be passed through llEscapeURL to safeguard it from this effect on the +'s that are part of the Base64 string.

I have corrected the code posted but this is here to highlight the problem that was fixed and how.


requestid = llHTTPRequest(url,
HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
"parameter1=" + llEscapeURL(message));
SleightOf Hand
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Join date: 4 Apr 2006
Posts: 21
Bug Fix
05-25-2007 09:26
Another glitch has come to light within the PHP script. This involves the decoding of the final Base64 string to get the plaintext of the message.

Thanks to Tobia Forcella for reporting this bug.

It affected charaters with Hex value patern of 0x?0 and was the last charater in the string when the string length was 2,5,8,11, ...etc. In this situation the last charater was not being decoded propery and was being dropped. This was due to the need for me to manualy add the padding charaters to the end of the string to allow PHP to decode to text. the "==" padding did not work in this case.

I have worked out a fix for this and have updated my code posts to reflect this.

in the "function xtea_decrypt_string()


$i = strlen($result);
$mod = $i%4; //Depending on encoded length diffrent appends are needed
if($mod == 1) return base64_decode($result . "A==");
else if($mod == 2 ){
if(strlen(base64_decode($result . "==")) < strlen(base64_decode($result . "A="))) return base64_decode($result . "A=");
else return base64_decode($result . "==");
else if($mod == 3) return base64_decode($result . "=");
return base64_decode( $result );
SleightOf Hand
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Join date: 4 Apr 2006
Posts: 21
Base64 Decode fix
05-28-2007 16:53
After the discovery of the Base64 Decode bug I decided to test it more thoroughly. I discovered that the decode needed a little more tweaking as it was not handling the control charaters properly (Chars < 0x20).

This is another fix I have texted over time with Chars 0x01 > 0x7F on multiple lengh strings. This Fix has to be applied to both the PHP script and the LSL Script.

I am also updating my previous posts with this code.

PHP Script in the xtea_decrypt_string() function


$mod = $i%4; //Depending on encoded length diffrent appends are needed
if($mod == 1) return base64_decode($result . "A==");
else if($mod == 2 ){
if((strpos($_base64,substr($result, -1,1))) & 0x0F) return base64_decode($result . "A=");
else return base64_decode($result . "==");
else if($mod == 3){
if((strpos($_base64,substr($result, -1,1))) & 0x03) return base64_decode($result . "A");
else return base64_decode($result . "=");
return base64_decode( $result );

LSL Script in the xtea_decrypt_string() function


integer mod = i%4; //Depending on encoded length diffrent appends are needed
if(mod == 1) return llBase64ToString(result + "A==");
else if(mod == 2 ){
if((llSubStringIndex(base64,llGetSubString(result, -1,-1))) & 0x0F) return llBase64ToString(result + "A=");
else return llBase64ToString(result + "==");
else if(mod == 3){
if((llSubStringIndex(base64,llGetSubString(result, -1,-1))) & 0x03) return llBase64ToString(result + "A");
return llBase64ToString(result + "=");
return llBase64ToString( result );
Alicia Sautereau
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12-21-2007 13:22
small adition wich made my life slightly easier :)

added functions to collect and send the data as a complete "package", easy fic but hopefully will direct some people who give it a try a nudge in a helpfull direction

string xtea_url = "http://url here to the file.php";
string xtea_body;
string xtea_post;

string xtea_send(string post_option)
//string tosend = "this is a message to send";
xtea_key = xtea_key_from_string("your key string here";);
requestid = llHTTPRequest(xtea_url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], (string)post_option);
xtea_post = "";
return requestid;

string xtea_clean(string body)
integer clean = 0;
string cleanbody = "";
while(~llSubStringIndex(base64,llGetSubString(body ,clean,clean)))
cleanbody += llGetSubString(body,clean,clean++);
xtea_body = xtea_decrypt_string(cleanbody);
return xtea_body;

string xtea_add(string name, string value)
string message = xtea_encrypt_string(value);
if (xtea_post == "";)
xtea_post += llEscapeURL(name) + "=" + llEscapeURL(message);
} else {
xtea_post += "&" + llEscapeURL(name) + "=" + llEscapeURL(message);
return xtea_post;

to add post variables in the script, just add this anywhere:
xtea_add("my_region", llGetRegionName());

the xtea_add function will url escape and a simple check to add & or not to it so you can just add at will without worrying

when done collecting all the data anywhere in the script, simply execute it with

why this way?
i`m using a second xtea_add() function to build a second http post string depending on the return of several http queries and can send any query out with the same send function

in the php file nothing changed so the same encrypted string is returned as abouve but to parse it every time i just added a function to skip filling the code with the same code in the same script, simply at the top of the http requestid add this:

http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
if (request_id == requestid)

your code here

no expert and bad at coding so having repeated stuff stuffed in a function made my reading and learning abit simpler, hope it helps some one out abit :p
Alicia Sautereau
if (!social) hide;
Join date: 20 Feb 2007
Posts: 3,125
12-22-2007 07:44
small improvement to the xtea_add function:

string xtea_add(string name, string value)
string name = xtea_encrypt_string(name);
string message = xtea_encrypt_string(value);
if (xtea_post == "";)
xtea_post += llEscapeURL(name) + "=" + llEscapeURL(message);
} else {
xtea_post += "&" + llEscapeURL(name) + "=" + llEscapeURL(message);
return xtea_post;

for your php code:

foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$key = xtea_decrypt_string($key);
$value = xtea_decrypt_string($value);
$$key = addslashes(trim($value));

hiding the variable and value to hide script operation if managed to sniff it out :)
Bobbyb30 Zohari
SL Mentor Coach
Join date: 11 Nov 2006
Posts: 466
02-07-2008 18:00
Does anyone have the statistics as to how long it takes for LSL to encrypt and decrypt using this method?